25 & broke

The story of my life... it shouldn't just be 25 and broke it should be 18+ broke because I have never had 'more than enough'.

I've been in education from the age of 4 to the age of 24, in between that I have taken breaks and had part-time jobs and a couple of full-time jobs, but nothing has stuck. So, that means I have always had 'enough' to live but I have never been comfortable with my income.

I live in London, and we all know that London is an expensive place to be, to rent a one bedroom flat will usually set you back £1,000+ a month and that's just for the rent. so then, put bills on top of that; gas, electric, council tax, personal bills like mobile phone contracts, the gym, contact lenses, the list goes on and on. But wait, what about birthdays, trips away, visiting family, those new shoes you need, food, drinks with friends, cinema nights...? It all adds up, to a substantial amount. And if you can't pay it you're left with very few options.

And that is where I am at, I turn 25 in 2 weeks and I am unemployed with no money and I live with my parents... #goals.

I feel that there is a looming pressure on people past the age of 18, you see 18 is the exact age when where we magically go from teenagers to adults, just like that -- poof!

No, I'm afraid life doesn't work that way and it never has, after the age of 18 you start learning what it's like to have more independence, yes, but it doesn't happen instantly. You may move away from your parents and live on your own during university or start a new job and earn your own money. Then you will start to learn how to manage money (or not) do your taxes, pay rent, get a car and basically, juggle your life from here until you retire or die, whichever comes first.

So much is expected of us passed the age of 18 and the pressure just builds as you get older. Now, at 24 years old, I have only just come to the realisation that it doesn't matter what stage of your life you are at, we are all on our own path. I know people at my age that have full-time jobs they own their own houses, have kids and are married but I stop and ask myself, is that what I want? And the answer is no, it's not.

I want to use my 20s to explore, be reckless, change jobs, have no money and spend it all when I do. There is so much pressure to be this or that, to have a job even if you don't enjoy it, the world has forced us into a corner where money is the prime objective and it's causing us to be paralysed. It's a horrible cycle of spending, earning and trying to enjoy ourselves at the same time. I want a job I enjoy, a career I can progress in and enough free time to be creative. I HATE it when people say it isn't possible because in life anything is possible, yes, most of it requires money but if you have the opportunity to be jobless and not have any responsibilities then this is the time to be selfish, explore what you want; set goals, change them, reach them, whatever you want you can do it. If you are in a thankless job, change it, if you can't because of finances then work hard to make your hobby into your job, write a blog, take photos, work out, take an online course, you CAN do it!

Look, we all make excuses, myself included, but if something means that much to you and you can't live without it then you will find a way to do it - I promise you. 

I know I'm in a rough spot right now but I continue to write, I continue to go to interviews, speak to people, go to the gym and try to progress in life. Some days nothing will happen, you will literally wake up, apply for jobs, watch TV and then go to sleep. But, doing one little thing a day will add up to a big change and one day you will get a call from a potential employer telling you that you have been chosen. Just keep dreaming big, do not let life dim your flame for desire. 

I may be 24 (nearly 25) and broke but at least I still have the desire for greatness.
We all have it, and we can all achieve it, life isn't linear, and like they say when you hit rock bottom... the only way is up!

25 -- here I come! 💪


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