Coffee vs. Tea

THIS IS THE ULTIMATE SHOW DOWN of coffee vs. tea, but who will win??

I grew up in the north of England so my life has always revolved around a cup of tea, it seems to be the northern 'hello'. You walk into a family members/friends house and the first thing they will say is 'I'm just putting the kettle on, fancy a cuppa?' and then you all gather round, talk about your life and sip on a cup of freshly brewed tea. But, what are the benefits of tea? Are there any? 

Why Tea?

1. Anti-oxidants
Black tea has so many health benefits, for one it's full of healthy substances called polyphenols. Polyphenols are antioxidants that can help protect your cells from DNA damage. Magical!

2. Boosted metabolism
Tea also contains caffeine which has multiple upsides including an increased metabolism and better alertness. 

3. Lower blood pressure
And drinking 3 cups of tea a day can help to lower blood pressure! 👀

"Drinking black tea can improve the function of the endothelial cells, which line the interior of blood vessels. Endothelial dysfunction is an early indicator of blood pressure changes."

4. Green tea can heal
As for green tea, it is apparently one of the healthiest beverages on the planet it is loaded with polyphenols like flavonoids and catechins (which are anti-oxidants). And it also contains Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), which has been studied to treat various diseases so this means it has medicinal properties - score!

So now we move on to coffee, and just like tea is the northern hello I have noticed that coffee seems to be the southern hello. 'Want to grab a coffee?' Sure, lets go to Starbucks.  

People now a days seem to spend an awful lot of money on coffee because lets face it, it isn't just black coffee, white coffee, cappuccinos or lattes anymore its so much more... you can get pumpkin spiced lattes, coffees made with almond milk or coconut milk, matcha coffee and so much more... and yes, I am one of those people who gets a 'soya, sugar-free caramel latte' SO WHAT?!

Anyway, what are the benefits of coffee, if so many people drink it, there must be a reason...right? 

Why coffee? 

1. It makes you happy

Firstly, like tea, coffee contains caffeine, when the caffeine enters your bloodstream it increases the amount of norepinephrine and dopamine which are your natural anti-depressants! Instant happiness!

2. It makes you burn fat
Without moving!?

Several studies show that caffeine can boost the metabolic rate by 3-11%! And in obese individuals it can be up to 10% and in lean people up to 29%! It is used an array of fat burning supplements on the market now a days. However, for long term drinkers, these effects can diminish over time.

3. It contains all sorts of good things
Getting your vitamins in!

A single cup of coffee contains: 

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA.
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA.
Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA.

4. It makes you live longer!
And who doesn't want that?? 

"In two very large studies, drinking coffee was associated with a 20% lower risk of death in men and a 26% lower risk of death in women, over a period of 18-24 years. This effect appears to be particularly strong in type 2 diabetics. In one study, diabetics who drank coffee had a 30% lower risk of death during a 20 year study period!"

(Bonus point) It makes you poop  💩
I added this bonus point because it makes me poop and personally, I think that it is one of the best benefits, ever. But apparently it only works for certain people, so I guess I am one of the lucky ones. Read more about it here:

So, there are the scientific facts for coffee vs. tea, but in the end it comes down to your tastebuds and what you prefer to drink. I personally love a good cup of tea, whether its black, green, peppermint or earl grey I will drink them all! But you can't deny the amount of health benefits that coffee has, so drink away but in either case please drink them in moderation! Because we all know too much of anything isn't going to end well.

Which do you prefer? Leave a comment below or tweet me your replies

Right, anyway, I'm off for a cuppa! Bye for now!

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