
I haven't written in a while, I have been uninspired, to say the least. As many of you are, I am working a 9-5 job and I work to earn money. I am not in hardship but I am definitely not as financially sound as I was about a year ago, however, I am definitely more settled in other aspects of my life.

I wish I knew what to write, at this moment in time my mind is completely blank. I haven't watched anything recently that I was overly excited about, I haven't read a whole book in ages and I rarely go out nowadays. Now and again I get a fleeting urge to sing or to write but then I think to myself 'what is the point' I mean what will that achieve? I am not a professional singer or writer, I don't have a place to sing or any reason to write. I have become what I have always dreaded and that is...boring.

Do not get me wrong, my life is not doom and gloom, I have a loving husband, a nice house, 2 cats, a few good friends, and my job is OK for the most part but I guess I just feel a bit...lost?

The only thing I still do that I might be semi-passionate about is going to the gym, I have noticed some muscle gain recently and I am feeling good about my fitness overall but that comes in waves - my battle with my body image is a whole other story.

I am hoping that when the sun comes out I will be more motivated to go out, to go for a walk, a drive, maybe take some pictures, etc. but that is a wait and see kind of thing at the moment.

I sound so depressed, I am honestly not down, I am not anything, to be honest, I wake up, go to the gym, go to work, come home, eat, relax with my husband and then go to bed. I think the biggest issue is finding the energy to do things when you've been at work for 8 hours straight and that is most of your day gone. Okay, that is a fairly depressing thought but I'm not wrong.

The fact of the matter is I am the only one who can kick myself up the bum to get up and do something that I enjoy. I might find I start doing something I have never done and enjoy it. Whatever it is I am willing and eager to explore  -- I don't post on this blog and I doubt anyone will read this but it was good to get some things off my chest. Have a nice day and do something you love.

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